PV Technical Sales Certification Training Path

Recommended and Required Courses for Technical Sales Certification (PVTS)

NABCEP Certifications:

Notice: PV201 or equivalency is a requirement for all Solairgen advanced courses.

PV Technical Sales (PVTS): This certification shows that you are a solar PV professional with expertise in the siting, design and performance analysis of PV systems with the ability to gather site specific information and analyze the customer’s needs to provide the most appropriate solution for their situation.

Requirement for Advanced PV training: Up to 60 training hours relating to the NABCEP Technical Sales JTA.

Solairgen Recommended Courses:

Technical Sales Courses = 36 hours: PV202 and PV210

PV202 Solar PV Technical Design – 24 hours Includes 6 hours NEC and 2 hours fire safety

PV210 PV Sales and Cost Analysis – 12 hours Technical Sales JTA

Additional Recommended Course = 40 hours: PV203 – In-class with hands-on labs

PV203 PV System Design and Installation – 40 hours Includes 8 hours NEC and 6 hours building & fire code

Solairgen is an IREC Accredited Training Provider, a NABCEP registered provider for the Associate Credential exam and a NABCEP registered provider of continuing education.