Solar Careers in a Galaxy Near You

November 8, 2013

There is no telling how many solar jobs there are in this galaxy given the probable billions of solar systems within it, but we do know that there are quite a few in this small sector. If you are thinking that you would like to build a career in the solar industry, it is an industry with an impressive growth rate and lots of room. If you’re trying to make a decision to shift your goals toward building a career in the solar industry, it is necessary to see the whole picture.

There are three steps in gathering necessary information to see this picture clearly enough to make the right decision and pick the solar career path that fits you best.

  1. Assessing the types of jobs available and the number of these jobs in the industry is step one. Here are some information resources to help you do that:
    • The Solar Energy Industry Association SEIA provides the National Solar Database on their website. This database is a Google map of the U.S. that allows the user to find manufacturers, installers and others serving the solar industry.
    • The Solar Foundation (TSF). TSF publishes an annual Solar Jobs Census report.
    • The Department of Energy DOE maintains a Solar Career Map on their website. Most of the U.S. jobs in the solar industry are directly connected to system design, installation and sales, however, there are many jobs created by the solar industry that have an indirect connection.
  2. Preparing yourself for a new career or even a slight shift from your present career requires a clear understanding of the job qualifications you’ll need. Studying the industry as a whole is easy since there is so much available news on it. In order to focus on the area that suits your experience, aptitude and work desire, a knowledge of education, training and skill requirements is necessary. Most employers want to verify your ability to perform the job prior to hiring you. If you are in accounting or finance and plan to incorporate solar into your present business model, the learning curve is not so steep. If you are in sales, construction or manufacturing, the learning curve is steep enough to require specialized training. The solar industry has developed organizations to help workers, employers, state and federal agencies and consumers make wise decisions regarding experience and solar training.
    • The Interstate Renewable Energy Council IREC sets standards for accredited training schools and trainers. Workers and employers can use their accredited training database to find quality schools and trainers.
    • The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners NABCEP provides the opportunity for solar installation professionals and solar sales professionals to become certified. These certifications are difficult to get, but sets the certificants apart from others. The standards are high so that employers and consumers can make good choices.
  3. Finding the job is one of the most stressful steps in the process but it is easier than it seems if done with an effective method. Follow these steps and you will meet the people who will be doing the hiring.
    • The National Solar Database is a great place to start; it will show you most of the companies who are established in the solar employment sector.
    • The American Solar Energy Society ASES has chapters throughout the U.S. The chapters are supported through the membership of solar companies and other interested parties and groups. Join your local chapter and take time to go to the open meetings. This is the best networking opportunity you will find.
    • Another form of networking is getting to know people who know the potential employers. Most people meet these contacts while taking training; the trainers know the employers and the employers trust the trainers. There is no better first connection with the industry players than in a training class. The linked chart shows the most common recruitment methods used by employers.

Changing or building a career takes time and it should not be rushed. Take time to get as much training as possible. There is a lot of free solar training on various industry web sites to help you get started, but if you want to be taken seriously, it will be necessary to take IREC accredited courses from a certified school. Make the change at a pace that will ensure success – fast enough to get you there but not so fast that it burns you out. Time is on your side because solar jobs in this small sector of the galaxy are growing.

Kelly Owen Provence
IREC/ISPQ Certified Master Trainer
Solairgen School of Solar Technology

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